Tuesday 31 July 2018

GAA Agree Not To Take Cut of Liam Miller Memorial Mass Collection Plate

In a show of immense generosity, the GAA has today confirmed that it will no longer be seeking to receive a cut of the collection at Liam Miller's memorial mass. The motion passed on a 51%/49% majority. Paddy Joe McMurphy, a long time GAA lover, and foreign sport hater, questioned the decision. "A bloody disgrace!", McMurphy mused.

The GAA will however, coincidentally, be holding a flag day with local youths handcuffed positioned outside the church. A spokesman for the GAA noted that, "This was our idea. We thought of it ourselves. The money will be going towards gold-plating the ceilings at GAA HQ and we ask the general public to contribute generously, or face public shaming". The Catholic Church added that this was a very worthy cause.

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